About I Mime I Director I Movement Therapist I Physical Acting Coach I Teacher I Artist in Residence

Calmness fosters focus

Michael Lee is a teacher of movement, in the classroom, studio, stage and even the horse arena. He has taught Movement Education and Games at Waldorf schools in Michigan and Texas, presented at professional conferences in mental health, medicine, religion and education nationwide, and served as guest artist at numerous schools and colleges across the U.S.
While at home in Michigan, Michael hosts an annual day-long clinic, "Moving With Horses" using Natural Horsemanship and Spacial Dynamics to foster harmony and clear communication between rider and horse.
The underlying principle in Michael's work is a profound understanding of how movement is integral to all we do while playing and working. We can become more aware of what we're saying with our bodies. We can all improve our movement ability and spatial awareness, whether riding a horse, playing a dramatic character or dancing with a partner.
"Michael Lee has a passion for movement of the human being. His students get the benefit of his truly authentic and honest approach. His skills as a movement educator and therapist run deep with his decades of experience in mime, theatre, Spacial dynamics and much more [...]His teachings have taken him all over the United States and Canada. He is respected by his students. Many of whom have gone on to be experts in their fields after working closely with Michael."
~Linda Teaman, Movement Educator, Trained in Spacial Dynamics
"I met Michael in 2009 in Hell Michigan at a Hell of a Horse event. He brought his team of horses and talked about how to hitch them to a wagon, then he gave wagon rides. In 2010 I attended the Circus Opus performance in Ann Arbor and was completely amazed at how this country boy could also be so graceful. I have watched him teach kids to ride horses and teach audiences attending his shows about the art of mime. He makes learning fun. If you have the opportunity to go see Michael or hire him for services - you wont regret it!"
~Janet Wolforth
Michael Lee Mime